Monday, May 22, 2006

Lithuania: A couple of interesting things

Since I am giddy with delight at having wifi access and nobody else in my 10 bed dorm room (yay!) here are a few interesting-slash-funny-slash-random things about Lithuania.

1. People here drive quite crazily! They swerve all over the road and are quite aggressive when cutting each other off and overtaking. Apparently, according to a guide we had when we went to the missile base, a lot of people in the countryside drive while drunk. She told us this while swerving wildly around corners and talking on her mobile phone. Even some of the bus drivers talk on their mobiles while on the road!

2. The food is quite tasty, but mostly consists of potatoes and meat. Other vegetables are hard to come by. A salad will usually be doused with mayonaise... and often contain no lettuce at all. Zeppelins (Ceppelini) are these stuffed potato things that are like the national dish. They are quite yummy, but very filling. Potato pancakes are also pretty tasty. At the supermarkets here you can get all kinds of interesting things. At the Iki supermarket in Klaipeda, they even had live fish tanks in the supermarket! Some of the food is a bit strange by western standards, but it's worth trying anyway.

3. The buses here are so funny. I was in a mini bus the other day that had actually been on fire at some stage... i.e. the ceiling was burnt. Some of the buses are old clunky bombs that cough out dark clouds of smoke. Some of them are new. A lot of them have character. Minibuses with 1970's decor like bright orange curtains. A bus I rode in today had khaki curtains and an arrangement of pink faux flowers all around the front windows. Very funny!

4. The locals kind of stare at backpackers and tourists, I think because tourism here is a relatively new thing. It can be a bit disconcerting sometimes, but it's harmless.

That's all for now, more later.


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